June 28, 2007

Holidays coming up!

So I've got a fourth freebie for you full of fireworks to fullfill your fantasies!

Okay enough foolishness.

Here's the freebie!

Here to is a fun Lake kit. With tons of papers...okay well 15, plus some very fun embellishments.

It's $3.00 through paypal as usual.

Lake Life Kit

June 27, 2007

Here Kitty Kitty!

Okay I love cats I always have. I have 5 at the moment.

So naturally I have lots of great cat pics to play with for kits. Here is my first one.

It's $3.00 through paypal. If you want to pay another way email me and we'll figure something out. photobunce@yahoo.com

And also $3.00 my flower kits with 12 papers and 6 individual flower embellishments.

To those from digiscrapdepot, I hope you've found your way here.

A new Begining. And Freebies!

Okay my geocities page is getting overloaded So I'm trying this.

I am a photographer who incorporates her photography into my digital kits. They are different, but different is good, right?

A new freebie here!

A forrest template from a forrest kit I've nearly finished.

Forrest template freebie

Here are my two first freebies.

Dino mini kit freebie

And my kids mini kit freebie with papers and embellishments

Life it's self is a work in progress.

Just like this bog, under construction!